I am currently studying the eigenvalues of the Laplace operator on random compact hyperbolic surfaces, using the Weil-Petersson volume on moduli spaces.
I am also interested in hyperbolic geometry, quantum chaos, random graphs and mathematical physics.
5. | Monk L., Stan R. Spectral convergence of the Dirac operator on typical hyperbolic surfaces of high genus, Annales Henri Poincaré (2024). |
4. | Anantharaman N., Monk L. A high-genus asymptotic expansion of Weil-Petersson volume polynomials, Journal of Mathematical Physics 63, 043502 (2022). |
3. | Monk L., Thomas J. The tangle-free hypothesis on random hyperbolic surfaces, International Mathematics Research Notices, Volume 2022, Issue 22, November 2022, Pages 18154–18185. |
2. | Monk L. Benjamini-Schramm convergence and spectrum of random hyperbolic surfaces of high genus, Analysis & PDE Vol. 15 (2022), No. 3, 727–752. |
1. | Fouvry J.B., Pichon C., Chavanis P., Monk L. Resonant thickening of self-gravitating discs: imposed or self-induced orbital diffusion in the tightly wound limit, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Volume 471, Issue 3, November 2017, Pages 2642–2673. |
The latest version of my PhD thesis, Geometry and spectrum of typical hyperbolic surfaces. | |
My master's thesis on the spectrum of random surfaces (in French). |
My online talk for the young researcher mini-conference of Spectral Geometry in the Clouds. |